Welcome to the course on Unconscious Biases. My name is Monisha, and I am really pleased that you have decided to join me in a movement that has begun to see unprecedented involvement over the past five decades.
Today, across the world, communities are focusing and bringing in more understanding to the layered facets of Unconscious Biases even as global demographics continue to evolve and change. As this change takes over, people and businesses both realise that creating an inclusive and culturally competent society is the need of the hour. And it is in keeping with this line of thought, that this course relies on significant research and practices in the realm of Unconscious Biases to bring about a mindset shift.
The course explores ,based on neurological and cognitive sciences, how our minds process biases. As the course unfolds you will identify your own biases and begin to understand how our unconscious biases impact and affect some of the most fundamental aspects of our lives. You will also, as the course progresses, build awareness of the ways in which you could re-calibrate your responses so that your choices towards yourself, your organisations and the communities that you are a part of , remain wise and mindful.
And on that thought, let us get started!